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Pilgrimages Through the Years

Tour 2006 celebration of our Patrons, the Holy Myrrhbearers was especially beautiful! Archbishop Antony of the Ukrainian Archdiocese in American presided and tonsured our new Sister Mary to the Riassa.

Our Ninth Annual FALL PILGRIMAGE on Saturday, October 8, 2005 was truly blessed with the Very Rev. David Brum, representing His Beatitude Metropolitan Herman, concelebrating together with the clergy members of the Monastery’s Board of Trustees both the Divine Liturgy and Akathist before the Myrrh streaming icon of St. Anna, the mother of the Theotokos. In spite of the pouring rain, our chapel and monastery were filled with friends joining us in prayer and fellowship.

We almost forgot to take pictures in the presence of this truly awe-inspiring event, but here are two: One of the concelebrating clergy during the Divine Liturgy, the other of the icon itself, courtesy of Father Athanasy of Our Lady the Joy of All Who Sorrow Orthodox Church in Philadelphia where the icon resides, who came with it.

Here are some more images from our pilgrimages:

Thank you to everyone who made our special 25th anniversary celebration at St. Michael's Church in Binghamton so wonderful. It was also Mother Raphaela's 30th anniversary of monastic profession. Here are some photos:

Don't forget to look at our pilgrimages in 2008 and 2007.

2008 Pilgrimages

2007 Pilgrimages

All materials on these pages are copywrited 2009 by The Holy Myrrhbearers Monastery.
Design by Dick Fish, with T.J. Leach. Web site constructed by Volha Charnysh.
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