Our Farm

We have 220 acres of pastures, woods, wetlands, and a four-acre mill pond created over 200 years ago from the Otsdawa Creek. A number of marked trails allow hiking in good weather and cross-country skiing for those who enjoy winter exercise.
Sisters and visitors alike enjoy our animals. They provide "therapy" especially for those coming from the very artificial world our generation continues to create.
Our sheep flock, raised primarily for the fleece which we sell to spinners and felters and also work ourselves into the yarn and products we sell (check out our Our Catalog) includes purebred Romney and Icelandic sheep.
A small herd of purebred and American Saanen and Sable goats provides us with our own milk and cheese. We are working to improve our flocks and herd -- at times we have top-quality, disease-free (OPP, CAE and Johnnes) purebred animals to sell for breeding stock. Saanens available to start or build your herd.
Two Great Pyrenees guard dogs protect the sheep and goats from local predators. Flocks of chickens and ducks provide us with eggs and also help keep our pastures clean of the parasites that affect the other animals. Numerous cats (rodent patrol) and two house dogs (internal security) complete our menagerie.
For the first time, we have our own working Draft Oxen: Trained at the Farmers' Museum in Cooperstown, Mike and Sam are Milking Devons. Mother Katherine has learned to put them to work – here they are on the way home from haying!

For more information about the business end of the farm, you may email us: orders@holymyrrhbearers.com
Some of our animals have campaigned to have their own pages. Our famous sheep, Maude, started this and Tiggur, our Icelandic sheep, followed!